Click HERE to listen/order on bandcamp
100% guitar based long form instrumental tracks loosely influenced in the style of the 70s krautrock pioneer Manuel Göttsching. Space rock without the synths.
Released on his private publishing label “Terrainflight” and is available on bandcamp (, Spotify, Apple and other online retailers.
label: Terrainflight TF023
release date: 1st Nov 2023
track listing:
- wavelengths 17:15
- singularity 15:04
- embers 09:42
- lullaby (for a dying world) 08:03
- nullspace 12:24
dave pearson: electric guitars
artwork: stable diffusion AI / dave pearson
all composing, mixing and mastering in the digital domain at terrainflight hungary
oct 2023
written & produced ©℗ 2023 by dave pearson
thanks: my wife and family, and everybody else who has helped to
encourage and support my music over the years
If you want to hear more things more often, buy me a coffee?
Jerry Kranitz

The soundtrack to my Wednesday morning work day is the upcoming ‘New Formulas For Electric Guitar’ from Dave Pearson’s Computerchemist. Dave describes this as a guitar homage to Manuel Göttsching, and based on the album title and music the ‘Inventions For Electric Guitar’ inspiration is palpable, yet Dave injects himself into his interpretation of Göttsching’s pioneering work.
On a personal note, I’ll add that Dave always manages to keep new Computerchemist albums fresh and interesting, but this one, with all guitar and no keys/synths is really different, so kudos to him for that. Pre-order for CD and download on the Computerchemist Bandcamp site, with a couple of sample excerpts to stream now.
Jerry Kranitz, 18 October 2023
John Shanahan – Hypnagogue

Armed with only guitars and effect pedals, Computerchemist sets off to capture the spirit of Ash Ra Tempel legend Manuel Göttsching on “New Formulas for Electric Guitar.” Heady with delay, looping, and reverb, the five tracks here build layer by layer into minimalist mantras, giving a nod to the cadences of Berlin School and kosmische music on the way by. (As Dave Pearson says on his Bandcamp page, it’s “space rock without the synths.”)
The work kicks off with the chugging, hypnotic repetition of the opener, “Wavelengths,” makes a very trippy stop in “Singularity” that’s like a big, welcome brain massage, finds its way into the deep, edge-of-ambient flow of “Nullspace,” and more. The blend of approaches works well, and Pearson gives each time to develop and deepen. I’ve long been a fan of his guitar playing style (which peeks through the strata of “Wavelengths” nicely), so his choice to stick to the axes here works fine for me. A cool experiment that pays off in repeated deep listens.
John Shanahan, Hypnagogue Podcast, 19 October 2023
Michael Shipway – Sequences Podcast

I was somewhat surprised by the absence of synthesisers on this latest release from computerchemist but it all made sense when reading in the notes that this album is a 100% guitar homage dedicated to Manuel Göttsching. It’s something of a departure from the format I have come to expect from a computerchemist album but it retains strong links with Berlin School and Krautrock via Ash Ra Tempel and of course Manuel Göttsching himself.
The album opens with the longest track “Wavelengths” which sets the scene with rhythmic, echo-laden guitar creating a rich tapestry in the Ash Ra Tempel style, as promised. The intensity of the track ebbs and flows throughout its 17+ minutes to maintain interest from start to finish. A worthy introduction to what is to come.
“Singularity” is again a very interesting guitar-driven track, but perhaps a little more thoughtful this time around with quieter passages taking the limelight. “Embers” also treads more gentle ground with the emphasis more on melodic guitar lead lines rather than on building a strong rhythmic background.
As its title suggests, “Nullspace” is a trip into ambient territory, describing perfectly an empty space with eerie sirens permeating the emptiness to give a frightening portrayal of an alien world. Meanwhile, “Lullaby (for a dying world)” brings the album to a close with a rhythmic track to lift the spirits… despite the null space title!
Overall, “New Formulas for Electric Guitar” is a well thought out, nicely paced album where the tracks deserve to be played in sequence. In fact, the whole listening experience grows with repeated listenings and forms a great tribute to the work of Manuel Göttsching.
Michael Shipway, Sequences Podcast, 11 November 2023
Stephan Schelle, musikzirkus-magazin (EN)

Dave Pearson, who publishes his music under the name “computerchemist”, is releasing his third album in 2023 with “New Formulas For Electric Guitar”, after “Mysterious Cave Of Eternal Theta” and “Green Twilight”. The title gives an idea of where the journey is headed. The album title is based on Ash Ra Temple / Manuel Göttsching’s 1974 album “Inventions For Electric Guitar”. Dave says: “It’s a 100% guitar homage to Manuel Göttsching.”
The album, which features 100% guitar-based long-form instrumental tracks loosely influenced by the style of ’70s Krautrock pioneer Manuel Göttsching, will be released on his private label Terrainflight and on Bandcamp (, Spotify, Apple and other online retailers.
The album contains five tracks. There are three tracks that are well over the ten minute mark and two more that are just under.
It starts with the 17:15 minute “Wavelengths”, in which Dave layers several guitar sounds on top of each other – as Manuel Göttsching also understood it very well. This creates a guitar-heavy, spacey sound that is just hypnotic. You can’t do it better.
We continue with the 15-minute “Singularity”. Here too, the now floating, wavering guitar sounds quickly create a spacey atmosphere. But then after a little more than two minutes there is a change in sound that seems even more spacey and only changes and develops slowly. From minute seven the powerful, dynamic part begins, which really unfolds – for a short time – after eight and a half minutes.
“Embers” then has a playing time of 9:42 minutes. Different guitar sounds come together again here. It also sounds at times as if Dave had bowed the strings of his guitar. He then adds a percussive rhythm to it. This once again creates a hypnotic mood.
“Nullspace” is 12:24 minutes long. Fat, long-drawn sounds that initially make me think of Kraftwerk – but still bear no resemblance to their style – start the track. It’s pretty voluminous and has a soundtrack-like quality to it. Flat sounds represent the subsurface on which sounds are then repeatedly added.
Dave then ends his album with the 8:04 minute “Lullaby (For A Dying World)” – what a current title. But the track seems anything but a lullaby. The guitar sounds in the first quarter are reminiscent of Pink Floyd bands. But then another guitar voice appears, which brings with it a touch of melancholy.
Dave Pearson aka Computerchemist once again proves his versatility on his latest album “New Formulas For Electric Guitar!” He has created a guitar-oriented album that is reminiscent in many areas of Manuel Göttsching (Ash Ra, Ash Ra Tempel), who unfortunately died too early. Dave deliberately chose this because he wanted to pay homage to the great guitarist and musician. He succeeded very well because the pieces have a hypnotic character.
Stephan Schelle, musikzirkus-magazin, November 2023
Juergen Meurer, (EN)

And yet another new album from Dave Pearson. “Green Twilight” has just been introduced and a new work is already available. But the title already says that this time it’s a different note, because – even if the impression may be misleading at one point or another – there are no synthesizers to be heard here. Instead, all five tracks with playing times between eight and seventeen minutes were recorded exclusively on the guitar.
But that doesn’t mean that you’ll hear hard guitar riffs here, but rather long, repetition-based arrangements on the electric guitar that move in the direction of Manuel Göttsching or Michael Rother. In this case, this means that – in contrast to the predecessor mentioned above – there are no catchy melodic lines nesting in the ear canals, but rather the sound sculptures live from the atmosphere. Especially with the title ‘Nullspace’ you have to be surprised that the sounds produced don’t come from synthesizers, but were made with a guitar. The final ‘Lullaby (for a Dying World)’ reminds Computerchemist a little of Pink Floyd‘s classic ‘One of These Days’.
With this type of composition, the album runs the risk of seeming a bit monotonous in the long run, and so from a reviewer’s point of view it gets a little lost at times. Nevertheless, Dave Pearson proves his versatility again here and shows which sound structures he knows how to create exclusively on the guitar, which can certainly be impressive. If you want to try out krautrock guitar-produced instrumental music, you should take a look at “New Formulas for Electric Guitar”.
Rating: 9/15 points
Juergen Meurer,, November 30, 2023
Stephan Schelle, musikzirkus-magazin (DE)

Dave Pearson, der als Computerchemist seine Musik veröffentlicht, bringt nach „Mysterious Cave Of Eternal Theta“ und „Green Twilight“ mit „New Formulas For Electric Guitar“ sein drittes Album in 2023 heraus. Es erscheint am 01. November 2023. Der Titel lässt schon erahnen, wohin die Reise geht. Der Albumtitel ist in Anlehnung an Ash Ra Temples / Manuel Göttschings 1974’er Album „Inventions For Electric Guitar“ gewählt. Dave sagt dazu: „Es ist eine 100%ige Gitarrenhommage an Manuel Gottsching.“
Das Album, das 100% gitarrenbasierte Longform-Instrumentaltracks beinhaltet, die lose vom Stil des 70er Jahre Krautrock-Pioniers Manuel Gottsching beeinflusst sind, wird auf seinem privaten Label „Terrainflight“ herauskommen und auf Bandcamp (, Spotify, Apple und anderen Online-Händlern erhältlich sein.
Fünf Stücke enthält das Album. Dabei gibt es drei Tracks, die deutlich über der Zehn Minuten-Marke und zwei weitere nur knapp darunter liegen.
Gestartet wird mit dem 17:15minütigen „Wavelengths“ in dem Dave mehrere Gitarrenklänge – wie es auch Manuel Göttsching bestens verstand – übereinander legt. Das erzeugt einen gitarrenlastigen, spacigen Sound der einfach nur hypnotisch ist. Besser kann man das nicht machen.
Weiter geht es mit dem 15minütigen „Singularity“. Auch hier sorgen schnell die nun schwebenden, wabernden Gitarrensounds für eine spacige Stimmung. Dann kommt aber nach etwas mehr als zwei Minuten ein Soundwechsel, der noch spaciger anmutet und sich nur langsam verändert und entwickelt. Ab Minute sieben wird dann der druckvolle, dynamische Teil angestoßen, der sich so richtig – für kurze Zeit – nach achteinhalb Minuten entfaltet.
„Embers“ bringt es dann auf 9:42 Minuten Spielzeit. Hier treffen wieder verschiedene Gitarrensounds aufeinander. Es hört sich auch stellenweise so an, als hätte Dave die Saiten seiner Gitarre mit einem Bogen bearbeitet. Dem spendiert er dann noch einen perkussiven Rhythmus. Das verbreitet erneut eine hypnotische Stimmung.
12:24 Minuten ist dann „Nullspace“ lang. Fette, lang gezogene Sounds die mich zunächst – vom Klang her – an Kraftwerk denken lassen, aber dennoch keine Ähnlichkeit mit deren Stil haben, starten in den Track. Das ist ziemlich voluminös gemacht und hat auch was Soundtrack artiges. Flächige Sounds stellen hier den Unterboden dar, auf den dann immer wieder Klänge draufgesetzt werden.
Mit dem 8:04minütigen „Lullaby (For A Dying World)“ – was für ein aktueller Titel – beendet Dave dann sein Album. Der Track wirkt aber alles andere als ein Schlaflied. Die Gitarrenklänge erinnern im ersten Viertel an Bands der Marke Pink Floyd. Danach kommt aber eine weitere Gitarrenstimme auf, die eine Spur Melancholie mit sich bringt.
Dave Pearson aka Computerchemist beweist auf seinem neuesten Album „New Formulas For Electric Guitar!“ mal wieder seine Vielseitigkeit. Dabei hat er ein gitarrenorientiertes Album geschaffen, das in vielen Bereichen an den leider zu früh verstorbenen Manuel Göttsching (Ash Ra, Ash Ra Temple) erinnert. Das ist auch bewusst so von Dave gewählt, denn er wollte dem großen Gitarristen und Musiker eine Hommage erweisen. Das ist ihm sehr gut gelungen, denn die Stücke besitzen einen hypnotischen Charakter.
Stephan Schelle, musikzirkus-magazin, November 2023
Juergen Meurer, (DE)

Und schon wieder ein neues Album aus dem Hause Pearson. Gerade noch wurde ”Green Twilight” vorgestellt, schon liegt ein neues Werk vor. Doch der Titel sagt schon, dass es diesmal in eine andere Kerbe schlägt, denn – auch wenn der Eindruck an der einen oder anderen Stelle trügen mag – hier sind weit und breit keine Synthesizer zu hören. Stattdessen wurden alle fünf Titel mit Spielzeiten zwischen acht und siebzehn Minuten ausschließlich auf der Gitarre eingespielt.
Das bedeutet aber nun nicht, dass man hier harte Gitarrenriffs zu hören bekommt, sondern teils langgedehnte, auf Repetitionen basierende Arrangements an der elektrischen Gitarre, die sich in Richtung Manuel Göttsching oder Michael Rother bewegen. Dies bringt in diesem Falle mit sich, dass sich – im Gegensatz zum oben genannten Vorgänger – keine Melodielinien mit Ohrwurmcharakter in die Gehörgänge nisten, sondern die Klangskulpturen von den Atmosphären leben. Speziell bei dem Titel ‚Nullspace‘ muss man sich schon wundern, dass die erzeugten Töne eben nicht von Synthesizern stammen, sondern ebenfalls mit Gitarre fabriziert wurden. Beim abschließenden ‚Lullaby (for a Dying World)‘ erinnert Computerchemist gar ein wenig an Pink Floyds Klassiker ‚One of These Days‘.
Bei dieser Art der Kompositionen läuft das Album etwas Gefahr, auf Dauer etwas eintönig zu wirken, und so verliert es sich aus Rezensentensicht zwischendurch auch mal ein wenig. Dennoch beweist Dave Pearson hier wieder seine Wandlungsfähigkeit und zeigt, welche Klanggebilde er ausschließlich auf Gitarre zu gestalten weiß, was durchaus beeindrucken kann. Wer krautige gitarrenproduzierte Instrumentalmusik ausprobieren möchte, sollte sich mal mit “New Formulas for Electric Guitar” beschäftigen.
Bewertung: 9/15 Punkten
Juergen Meurer,, November 30, 2023